Domain transactions are built on trust between buyer and seller.
Before you buy the domain, the seller will assure to you, that the domain belongs to him, and that he will transfer the domain correctly according to the policy/contract.
In this informative letter, we are describing, how the domain transfer procedure to your domain account basically works. Thorough information about all the details, are offered and explained within the support pages of the registrar
After you have found a agreement with the seller about the domain conditions of sale, the domain transfer from seller to buyer has to take place: The buyer will be registered at his domain registry of choice as (new) owner (registrant) of the domain.
Therefor, name and address of the owner (registrant) will change (previous owner address to new owner address). (The reason for this is, because domain names can not only have a high value, but because the domain name has to be related to the propper address of the owner, to be seen online, for any user or potential business client, and because threre are strict rules and regulations about registering, transfering, or deleting and realeasing backholded domains.)
The current policies and regulations about domain transfers are set by the individual registries, and one can basically say, that a different domain extension is ruled and regulated by a other domain registry. About the rights of the registries:
The registries are the authorities over the managed domains, and are therefor allowed to act according to the policies of ICANN, as well as under the interests of the states and countries, where a relevant registry is domiciled, or according to the interests of the country, whre a trustee acts in behold of a registry from outside, but who has to act responsible according to the rights and regulations for a domain with the relevant extension, corresponding to a registry.
To see, which registry is in charge of which domain extension, you can get detailed and transparent information at the website of the registrar and ISP Just look under the relevant domain extension on the domain (price) list.
Only changing the name of the holder, and at the same provider:
If you only are changing the name of the holder of the domain name of one or more domains at, that you have already managed under, for most of the domain extensions, you will not be charged any fees for domain transfers. (That means, that if the domain name stays at the registrar, but only changes the holder.) Otherwhise, the seller of the domain will carry all the costs and fees for the transfer from his account/portfolio, to yours.
But in the case, if that if the domain name stays at the registrar, but only changes the holder, the remaining time till renewal of the domain will be taken into account of the new holder of the domain name, and you only would have to pay the renewal fees for the next renewal period, according to the price list of the registrar
Within that special conditions, exceptions are made, only with a few domain extension, where a domain transfer could only be made by trade: In those cases there would be charged a trade fee. And those are mainly for the following domain extensions: (.AT, .BE, .CH, .EU, .ES, .FR, .IT, .JP, .LI, .LU, .NL, .NU, .SE, .SG ).
(The trade fees are aproximatly in the region of a annual fee, plus a additional fee of maximal 100%.)
Transfering a domain name to a other provider:
If you want to transfer the domain name to a other provider (not only changing the name of the holder), you should proceed with a so called domain transfer.
Ask your internet service provider how much the domain transfer would cost you, and compare his offer with the offer of
When a domain name transfer takes place, provider locks will be removed, as soon as the registrar has received and veryfied the relevant documents/paper work, from buyer and seller (old and new registrant of the domain name).
Detlef Bracker, ISP and registrar (
Alexander Schiesser, domain portfolio manager
Contact Sales: Alexander Schiesser